Pictures From Trip to Kigoma, Tanzania in March 2017

My oldest son, Isaac (10), and I visited Tanzania in March of 2017 on what we called a "vision trip" to meet two missionary families serving the Lord in Kigoma. The Lord continued to confirm His will for us as we visited and were introduced to the work there. Below are some highlights from this trip.

Tanzania is located in what is called "East Africa", just under Kenya on the Indian Ocean side.
We flew into Dar Es Salaam on the East coast and stayed with Steve and Gill Davies. They are missionaries from the U.K. who have been serving the people and children of Tanzania for many years. They have a small guest house where missionaries traveling through often stay.

Dar Es Salaam is a big and busy city! It was very hot there since the city is right on the Indian Ocean at sea level. It also takes about 2 hours to drive about 15 miles during rush hour :) These are small taxi's we used occasionally here in Dar and also in Kigoma called Bijaji's.

The convenience stores in Dar Es Salaam come to you! 

From Dar Es Salaam, we flew over to the west side of Tanzania to Kigoma, which is a much smaller town on Lake Tanganyika.

There are monkeys! You have to guard your food or the monkeys will steal it!

A trip into the market in Kigoma.

Below is the local assembly in Kigoma. 
They were almost finished building a larger facility when we visited in March 2017.

The new building :)

Sunday lunch with Harry & Ruth Johnson, and
Luke & Gina Johnson and their 4 children in Kigoma.

Harry and Ruth built a sail boat to reach villages along the shore of 
Lake Tanganyika which are not accessible by road. 
We took a trip to a small village north of Kigoma to share the Gospel. 

The village is predominantly muslim, but they were OK with Harry 
preaching the Gospel after a brief visit with them.

I spoke at the mid week prayer meeting in Kigoma as Harry translated into Swahili.

The sunsets are amazing in Kigoma. 
Every evening the sun sets over the Congo mountains, 
which are approximately 30 miles across the lake, 
providing incredible sunsets almost every day.

While we were there, the power was cut off to the water company that supplied water to much of the city. Over the next several days the streets were filled with men on bikes carrying containers of water they filled down at the Lake Tanganyika. The water is actually very clean and almost drinkable. 

The Lord spoke to me through this and helped me see the spiritual parallel. These people are spiritually thirsty for the Living Water! Water that if they were to drink it, they would never thirst again! The Lord is calling us to be like these guys bringing water to a thirsty people.

This was the view from the Johnson's house early in the morning on our last day in Kigoma. 

As we made our long journey back to the U.S, processing all that the Lord had done, 
we were even more convinced that He was pointing us here, to serve Him in Kigoma, Tanzania.


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